Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chess Sucks

Played chess 1&1/2 times today, and let me tell you it's not fun when you have a boyfriend who spends an hour a day practicing. Anyways, afterwards I spent a few minutes listing off all of the things I am better at than him to nurse my bruised ego. However, revenge can be so tasty in the form of bath time pictures!!

So Today we went to my parents house. My family along with my neighbors got new puppies. The black one who my brother named "Jasmine" who I call "Bella" is my parents and she is so fricken cute! We were watching Hamlet 2 with my family and she was laying with me the whole time until she fell off the couch. :) There aren't any pics of my neighbors choice but its a white one with a black circle around its tail.
There is another puppy that we are still looking to find a home for and that's the one Shahin is holding in the photo, but I kinda hope Shawn from Zombie Boardshop gets her, He's a swell guy.

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